Lending up to 90%
Refinancing for Businesses and Enterprises
The international company DANEROCK offers corporate refinancing services using long-term loans on attractive terms and other flexible instruments.
DANEROCK, a UK investment consulting company with an international presence, is ready to offer you flexible corporate refinancing schemes. In particular, we can extend the term of your business loan in order to significantly reduce payments and overcome temporary problems.
Refinancing large business loans
Sources of refinancing a company's debt in the financial market may include the following:
• Bank loan.
• Corporate bonds.
• Mezzanine financing instruments.
• Factoring of receivables and reverse factoring.
• Raising funds from investors interested in the company’s shares.
The business benefits of our services include:
• Assistance in paying off current and overdue debts.
• Consolidation of all available loans into one, cheaper loan.
• Tailoring financing to the needs of your business.
• Support from experienced financial advisors.